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About Caroline


dedicated online business coach

for passionate health coaches who

know they’re meant for more


How I went from being a 'burned out in-person coach' to earning £150k online in less than 12 months


My business had slipped way out of alignment with the life I wanted to live. Somewhere along the way I’d forgotten my Big Why. My job was controlling me and I’d given up working towards building my dream life.


With 30 years’ real-world business experience, 17 of those years owning a thriving health practice AND a successful skincare line loved by retailers like Selfridges, London – I KNEW I could make an impact. I've spent the past decade regularly flying across the Atlantic , to coach US health practitioners to grow their businesses.


The results they achieved were EPIC!


The constant travel was taking its toll on my health, my well-being and above all, my relationship with my son. You see, every decision I’d made in the early years of my business had been for him. I did whatever it took to be there for school pick-ups, Christmas Concerts and to help with his homework.


But now things were different.


We were rarely together. And instead of feeling like a super woman boss who had it all figured out, I felt like a failure as a mum.

The worst was yet to come!

After 3 days of headaches I knew something was wrong. I was rushed to hospital. My son was by my side, with a look on his face that NO teenager should ever have to wear.


“Ms Clapperton, we’ve run some tests and it looks like you’ve had a significant bleed on the brain.”


Extreme stress. And burn-out.

That doctor’s words hit me hard. I knew at that moment I had two choices:


Keep killing myself for a business that didn’t fit with the life I truly desired.


OR let go of my in-person clients and build an online business that aligned with the lifestyle I wanted to live.


Having the confidence to adopt the identity of Online Entrepreneur felt overwhelming and scary AF. I didn’t really believe my online business would take off the way I needed it to.


I was at home for my son, but I was working ALL the hours and earning under £800 a month (less than one tenth of what I’d been earning before). Maybe I’d actually prefer a 9-5, with a boss breathing down my neck, because at least I’d have a regular income…


I knew I needed to step outside my comfort zone and ignore my limiting beliefs. I needed help to find quality clients and earn enough money to keep doing what I loved.


That was the dream.

So I hired a coach. And that coach changed EVERYTHING.


After working with that coach, I started to understand the things that would have made launching my online business a whole lot easier. Like…



  • focusing on my BIG WHY and staying on track to achieve specific goals I’d set myself.


  • getting over the fear of sharing my expertise and having the courage to get in front of my ideal clients every single day.


  • understanding how to manage my time so I was directing my energy towards tasks that would consistently move my business forward. And still having time to spare for the things in life that really matter.


  • most importantly, having a clear, step-by-step system to help me simplify my business and earn more money while working less.



In under 12 months I’d 10 X my income. I’d earned over £150k and my online business was thriving.

Now I want the same for you!

Imagine waking up each day with the absolute certainty that everything you’re doing in your business is moving you closer to the life you’ve been dreaming of.


What if you understood the process of attracting so many high quality clients, that losing some of them to your competitors wasn't an issue?


And how would it feel to know you were following a step by step process, implemented by countless successful health coaches who are now on the fast-track to consistently earning over £10,000 each month whilst enjoying a healthy work-life balance?


It’s all possible.


And it’s why I’m here to help you radically accelerate your success, through my value-packed 1:1 coaching programs.

To find out more about my exclusive 1:1 coaching programs, click the button below to book your FREE call today.

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